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Detailed Functional Description
Download detailed functional guides for FairTrust products and White Papers describing FairTrust solutions.
FairTrust IAM
Comprehensive Presentation of FairTrust IAM Solution, detailing features and their alignment with business needs.
White Paper
Health Authentication
Discover the security obligations for healthcare institutions under the Electronic Identification Framework for individuals.
FairTrust SSO Entreprise
Comprehensive Presentation of FairTrust SSO Enterprise Solution, detailing features and their alignment with business needs.
FairTrust Vault Entreprise
A professional and secure safe for protecting your authentication information, available in Cloud or On-Premises infrastructure.
FairTrust Vault Pro
Professional safe designed for SMEs and mid-sized enterprises, enjoy a secure solution for managing your passwords in a Cloud-based platform accessible anytime, from all your devices.
FairTrust Vault & Vault+
Professional password management solution in a secure Cloud-based safe designed for Freelancers and Small Businesses.
Datasheets - Quick overview of our products
To grasp our approach in a few minutes, download quick presentations of FairTrust products and services
FairTrust IAM
DataSheet - Quick Presentation of FairTrust IAM Identity and Access Management Solution.
FairTrust SSO for health
DataSheet - Discover Single Sign-On compliant with the Electronic Identification Framework requirements.
FairTrust Enterprise SSO - GHT specific features
DataSheet - Essential SSO Features for Healthcare Institutions in Compliance with the French RIE requirements
Various Open Access Resources
Some interesting documentations and videos in the field of authentication and identity management
French "Plan Blanc du Numérique" White Paper
French healthcare institutions preparation assistance guide - June 2023
ANSSI Guide for SMEs and Small Businesses
The French National Security Agency (ANSSI) has just published a best practices guide for improving cybersecurity aimed at SMEs, including single sign-on, which offers numerous advantages
- FairTrust SSO Enterprise
A quick presentation of the FairTrust SSO solution in just a few minutes