Sécurisez vos Secrets

User Authentication

FairTrust Vault, centralise et protège vos mots de passe et données d'authentification.



Un coffre-fort pour protéger vos mots de passe

Authentification Forte

 Strong user authentication (particularly through MFA) is a systematic topic in the IT Security Directives. Notably, it is mentioned in Article 1 of the NIS2 Directive, which is imposed on over 10,000 entities across 18 sectors (FR).



Coffre-fort de mot de passe  

Brute-force attacks remain a common and increasingly fast method. This is why ANSSI strongly recommends the use of complex and robust passwords. However, without a tool like a password vault or SSO, humans become a weak point in IT security.



IT security regulations highlight the need to strengthen application passwords. In particular, the CNIL emphasizes ANSSI's recommendations for the use of complex passwords in compliance with GDPR.

​Modular Solution for a Tailored Authentication System


FairTrust Vault

Cloud-based password vault integrating automatic authentication in Web and RDP applications. A free solution, without support, ideal for testing our Single Sign-On product.

This solution is ideal for users looking to enhance the security of access to their applications independently or for personal use.

FairTrust Vault+

Equivalent to the Vault offer, FairTrust Vault+ includes software maintenance and technical support for better day-to-day assistance. Benefit from a secure Cloud-based password vault and a professional SSO solution for $40 excl. VAT per year.

FairTrust Vault+ is particularly appealing for freelancers and micro-entrepreneurs who want to comply with security best practices in a simple and quick way.

FairTrust Vault Pro

FairTrust Vault Pro includes the secure cloud-based vault features and integrates multi-user management functionalities. You can manage user passwords and authentication from our centralized cloud-based web interface.

FairTrust Vault Pro is designed to meet the needs of companies looking to implement a centralized security policy for all their users. FairTrust Vault Pro primarily targets Small and Medium Enterprises.

FairTrust Vault Entreprise

FairTrust Vault Enterprise is the most comprehensive version of our vault solutions. Available in the Cloud or On-Premises, FairTrust Vault Enterprise includes MFA, Self-Service, and Audit functionalities. Additionally, you benefit from FairTrust support to tailor our solutions to your needs.  

FairTrust Vault Enterprise is the ideal solution for companies concerned about complying with the recommendations of national security agencies and regulatory requirements.  

Principales Fonctionnalités 
FairTrust Vault

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Authentification automatisée 
Automatisez l'authentification des utilisateurs dans les applications Web et profitez de mot de passe complexes dans une authentification simple et rapide.

Authentification Forte - MFA
 Augmentez le niveau de sécurité par une authentification forte pour l'accès aux données du coffre-fort utilisateur.

Multi-domain Context
FairTrust SSO manages a single vault for all entities within a group (subsidiaries, partners, public interest groups, etc.). Sensitive data is stored only once in a centralized security repository, eliminating the risk of desynchronization.


Access and usage traceability 
Maintain control over access by gaining visibility into the actions and access of your users across all resources enrolled in the solution.  

Data encryption
All data is stored in a vault and encrypted using the AES256 GCM algorithm recommended by ANSSI.    

Besoin de réponses pour améliorer la sécurité de votre crédentiels ?

Adhering to Best Practices

L'ANSSI préconise d’utiliser des mots de passe robuste stockés dans un coffre-fort sécurisé.
L’utilisation d’un coffre-fort de mots de passe répond aux bonnes pratiques de sécurité et simplifie la vie des utilisateurs.
Les données sensibles sont stockées dans une base de données sécurisée et disponible simplement pour les utilisateur.


Enhance Authentication Security

Authentication verifies the user's identity when accessing an application, digital service, or work session. Multifactor Authentication (MFA) reduces hacking risks by 99%.
FairTrust seamlessly integrates robust authentication based on the three-factor principle and offers support for a variety of authentication methods..

We are dedicated to ensuring the success of your projects.

Product Quality
Our solutions are meticulously crafted in adherence to the highest security standards and harness cutting-edge technologies to deliver exceptional performance.

Expertise in Implementation
Our solutions are deployed by our specialized partners within your industry, all of whom are certified in our products, ensuring the success of your project.

FairTrust Journey
We provide continuous support and guidance throughout the use of our solutions to ensure your satisfaction as a user on a daily basis.

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Try our products for free

FairTrust Vault is offered at no cost to individual users, allowing you to promptly test our password manager.